So I believe finally figured out the consent before kissing thing for those interested. - ATX News Paper

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Sunday, February 28, 2021

So I believe finally figured out the consent before kissing thing for those interested.

For those who don't know I made a post about a year ago talking about women who are turned off by men asking for consent before kissing and I thought the mixed reactions were interesting. To me it was a duh, but I think my own bias prevented me from viewing this topic accurately.

From what I gather through many conversations since then (and a bit of psych/ sociology) it is a political divide-which makes sense as there was more agreement and there are more liberals on reddit.

Liberal women are more likely to value their bodily autonomy and consent. The are also more likely to support #MeToo and can better emphasize with men who worry about unintentional harassments.

Conservative women are more likely to want men to "be a man" and take the lead, in things like initiating and chasing when it comes to romantic relationships. This will mean they probably will want men to read their minds the room.

While outliers will exist (I am anticipating a comment like: "I am super liberal but I want men to do the initiating") I do think this trend will hold true for the most part.

I hope this makes it easier for some men who are worried, just act in accordance with your political beliefs and it should be fine as you will only isolate women who you probably wouldn't want to date anyways.

submitted by /u/DeliciousImpact
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