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Friday, February 1, 2019

What can I do?

So long story short I’m a 23 M and she is a 22F. We met a few months ago I took her to coffee and it was amazing, had her over for a game night at my house, and this week we just went on our first date that lasted 8 hours. I asked her on a date directly for our first date and when I took her home I asked on a second date and she was really excited so there is no obscurity on intentions. She has a very busy schedule as an icu nurse and is heading back to her home state soon for a bit and we wanted to see if we could sneak in our second date before she left. However she has to get a lot done so she can’t do it until she gets back now. There is absolutely nothing wrong with us doing it later, and I understand it was a far stretch for her to go on a date this week. But why do I feel hurt by it? I don’t want to feel that way and it almost feels like I’m being rejected when in reality I’m not. I’ve been in relationships before and I never felt this. I feel stupid for feeling this way any advice I’m not one to sit around and obsess over something.

submitted by /u/DecentPlate
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from Dating Advice http://bit.ly/2DOomYI

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