My [17M] girlfriend [17F] is giving me "general girl advice" - ATX News Paper

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Friday, February 1, 2019

My [17M] girlfriend [17F] is giving me "general girl advice"

So here's a little context before I get into it all. My girlfriend and I have been dating for over a month now, and everything has been incredibly smooth. Just under a week ago we had the most deep and honest conversation I've ever had anyone, where we discussed intimacy, the future of our relationship (I'm going to college next year and she's a year younger than me), etc. I've never had such good chemistry with anyone, and I really like her a lot.

But today we were cuddling in the backseat of her car and talking about so many things. We told each other every single lie we've said to each other (at least I did and she claims she did) and a lot of other little things we hid from each other. But most notably I told her that I wasn't sure if she would think it was a date when we hung out before we started dating (we hung out for like a month and a half in this weird limbo zone).

Just a couple hours ago we were texting each other and she was telling me that a lot of the stuff I said was so sweet and I said the same thing back. However, she told me that she wanted to give me some "general girl advice" in person. I was really hoping that she wasn't going to give me advice on future relationships, so I told her I was a bit confused and that I wanted an example. But this is exactly what she did. She told me that if any girl hangs out with you one on one, they consider it a date. She told me that she has more to say and that it's "good stuff" and that she wants to hear my own "nuggets of wisdom."

While I might be reading into this too much and she only gave me one example, I'm a little upset. I could possibly be just a teenager going through some fling with a girl that I'm only going to be in a relationship for until I leave, I'm just so bothered by the fact that she gave me advice for other romantic relationships. I really like this girl a lot, and I can envision a future with her. In fact, she even asked me what we are going to do when I go to college, as she doesn't want to "chain me down" while I'm in college for a year. I told her that "it'll be worth it to be with you."

But anyway, my main question is how do I tell her that what she said really made me feel uncomfortable? I want to let her know that I really see a future with her, but I don't want to put that much onto a girl that I've only been dating for a month and only known for like 5 months.

TD;DR: Girlfriend gave me "advice" that suggested that eventually we won't be in a relationship anymore. This really made me feel uncomfortable. How do I tell her I'm in it for the long haul?

submitted by /u/altjojo
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from Dating Advice

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