My girlfriends ex boyfriend is trying to guilt my girlfriend back to dating him. - ATX News Paper

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Thursday, January 31, 2019

My girlfriends ex boyfriend is trying to guilt my girlfriend back to dating him.

So my girlfriends ex boyfriend has started hitting her up again. It started off in the beginning as just a “I just want to talk to you a bit tonight.” He was asking her on advice on how to move on and get over her. I didn’t mind and she was one edge about answering, and I told her she could.

Anyways. Three days later, it got worse. He began to beg for another chance and began guilt tripping her. My girlfriend is a very caring person, and she feels like his emotional and mental health is being damaged because she’s trying to get him to move on. He knows this and is manipulating her, by putting religion into it. Basically saying “I’m trying to find your God, do you really not want to help me be saved?” In a way he told her that if he goes to hell its on her too.

It’s tearing her up. What can I say to make her feel like he isn’t her responsibility? She was crying to me about this over the phone.

Should I message the dude myself? I’m furious at him that he’s causing her so much pain and conflict right now.

submitted by /u/KantBeNietzsched
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