I need help with a girl I’m confused as to what I should do - ATX News Paper

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Thursday, January 31, 2019

I need help with a girl I’m confused as to what I should do

So me and this girl were together for a while and we broke up, then I ended up trying to get back with her because it seemed that she was interested in starting something.

I ended up going to this party with her and we went out and walked around with some people and held hands and cuddled. When we got back someone tried to get her to kiss me and she said no. Since I’m friends with a couple of her friends a asked one of them about it and they said they thought she was just playing with my feelings and she got mad at this girl and got a bunch of people to stop being friends with her. I feel bad about it but I don’t know what to say to her because I think she’s mad at me and she sort of avoids me. What should I do

submitted by /u/A_d_6969
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from Dating Advice http://bit.ly/2DMDpCl

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