Do I text him back or just leave it? - ATX News Paper

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Saturday, March 5, 2022

Do I text him back or just leave it?

I met this guy on a dating app and we’ve been on 3 amazing dates. (We haven’t been able to meet up for the past 3 weeks coz of lockdown in my city). I’m not a big texter and he doesn’t appear to be either, bc since the beginning, we message like once a day and the reply times are between 8-24 hrs. But it has gradually increased within the past 2 weeks, to 2 days without him replying to me. We both have a great time in person, both are super attracted to each other. It’s just over text there’s not much connection at all, which has made me kinda lose interest as I feel like he’s not putting in any effort to talk to me or seeming like he’s interested in me anymore. He didn’t reply to me for 5 days and I got annoyed and opened his message but didn’t reply. Basically leaving him on read. It’s been a couple days since I “read” his messages and he hasn’t tried reaching out again. Should I just leave it and move on or text him back? I still do like him and find myself thinking about him a lot. But is it even worth it? What would I text him as he probably thinks I ghosted him?

submitted by /u/eireverni
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from Dating Advice

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