We’ve been talking for 3 months and now she’s distant - ATX News Paper


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Friday, June 3, 2022


We’ve been talking for 3 months and now she’s distant

To paint the picture, I just moved to a new city and met this girl on tinder. We hooked up after the 3’d date ~ and have been since then. Gone on plenty of dates, talked about our future (together, and career wise), and told each other we were exclusive about 2 months in.

After 2 months I noticed she gets distant at times. For one, we only text to hang out really but there have been a few times in the past month where we won’t text for 5-6 days at a time but will ultimately make plans to hangout then. When we have been hanging out recently, she just seems uninterested sometimes/secretive. For example: she showed me a meme on Instagram the other week and I realized we never followed each other so, I requested to follow her and told her that. She then said she wasn’t going to accept it because she “doesn’t let anyone follow her anymore and barely uses it” (??). Okay whatever. Next thing I check, her follower count goes up by 1 which makes me think she’s hiding something.

Another occurrence, we were talking about Memorial Day and she said she was going away for the weekend with family friends. Cool. Didn’t see her all weekend. Come Monday, she returns and we hangout (don’t hookup just talk) but doesn’t really tell me anything about the weekend just that it was good. While I know she went with a guy friend and his family, it makes me think she was hooking up with him and has been. After this night she left her glasses at my place and I said just text me when she wants them returned. Fast forward to now, she hasn’t reached out to me in 5 days. Glasses still at my place but no sign from her at all.

I’m starting to think she has found someone else and is putting me on the back burner which is okay I guess, I just want to communicate to her that I need her to be straight with me and tell me rather than leave me on a string like this. My question is, how do I bring this up to her or do I even do it at all?

TL/DR: girl I’ve seen for 3 months is becoming distant without giving reasons why. She’s become uninterested at times and I think she’s seeing someone else. Should I drop her or confront her?

submitted by /u/GonFreecss11
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from Dating Advice https://ift.tt/p26sPfB

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