Is it hard to just start talking about yourself without being prompted by a question? - ATX News Paper

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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Is it hard to just start talking about yourself without being prompted by a question?

When I go on dates, I just jump right into talking about myself, just to get the ball rolling. I expect the girl to jump in at some point.

This last date I went on, I would finish talking at length about something, and then there would be 10 second silence, and she would say "awkward silence" in a joking manner. I thought, instead of saying that, that silence is your cue to jump in or change the topic or talk about yourself.

What's the hang-up?

Can you remember a time when you wanted to jump in but couldn't find a hook to jump in on? or was it that you just didn't have anything to say?

submitted by /u/ubrokeit
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from Dating Advice

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