Why is it that men like shyness in women, but women find shyness in men a big turn-off? What can shy men do about it? - ATX News Paper

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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Why is it that men like shyness in women, but women find shyness in men a big turn-off? What can shy men do about it?

This is just something I've noticed my entire life. I am not mad, or angry, or hate women or anything, I myself am reasonably confident, but I've noticed that guys who are successfull with women are almost always very confident, and those who are struggling with attracting women are almost always shy.

Now I do know that you might say: But those guys who are confident will approach women, while shy men won't and that greatly decreases their odds. That in itself is true, but there is more to it than just that, right?

submitted by /u/BananaGuy_334
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from Dating Advice http://bit.ly/2ScukuC

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