Almost left the girl at the curb - ATX News Paper

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Thursday, January 31, 2019

Almost left the girl at the curb

So recently I've been talking to a girl[23F] I[25M] matched on JustDating for awhile now. I finally got the courage to ask her out for a date and she agreed. She ask me for a lift and I actually kinda happy that she asked me to. However I didn't know her house was 45 min away, and plus traffic its almost an hour drive. By the time I got there, she was already standing by the curb waiting and we were running late for dinner. As I was parked next to the curb, she just kept standing outside the doorway and I thought maybe she is mad that I was a little late? I rolled down the window to apologize and ask her whats wrong. "Aren't you gonna get the door?" is what she said to me. I swear I almost wanted to drive away at that moment. I get it, guys suppose to do that, but under the circumstances couldn't she just let herself in as we are already late for dinner? I guess there won't be second date.

submitted by /u/chenny3000
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