Asked my best friend to take it to the next level - ATX News Paper

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Thursday, January 31, 2019

Asked my best friend to take it to the next level

So I moved to where I'm currently living in January of last year. I met this woman at work who was kind and wanted to introduce me to the area and not make me feel so out of place. (Where we work everyone is in their late 30s and upward. Myself, her and one other person are in our mid 20s). She introduced me to my current group of friends that I actively hang out with and have made my first "Solid" adult friends (I'm 24) that I see myself still being in contact with as I grow older. Last week I decided to tell her how I felt and how I wanted to take our friendship to the next level because it's always a dream of mine to fall in love with my best friend. Come to find out she had the same conversation with her cousin earlier that week. So this Friday we are going on our first date officially. We have gone plenty of other "dates" that weren't official. I'm so excited to see where this goes and how it progresses. I have a feeling this will be the beginning of a long and beautiful relationship. Thanks to everyone who told me to just go for it and ask her out a while back when I posted for advice on here!

TL;DR: Asked my best friend if she wanted to take our friendship to the next level and pursue a relationship, she said yes!

submitted by /u/AlterUser404
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