Constantly being ghosted - ATX News Paper

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Thursday, January 31, 2019

Constantly being ghosted

Every single time (without fail) that I meet someone, go out on one to three dates with them, talk with them all the time, I end up being ghosted.

Most recent: we went on our first date. It was amazing, it lasted 8.5 hours (drinks, pool, darts, Nintendo 64, Mario kart, and a kiss goodbye), during which he told me multiple times that he was really enjoying himself. He's been sending good night and good morning texts every single day since and we were talking all throughout the day, and then he went down to 3 texts the entire day, no good night or good morning, and now it's been two days with no texts at all.

Two days isn't long. But I know how this goes. I like someone, they seem to like me, things are going well.

Then ghosted.

So I know that the problem has to be with me. I guess what I'm wondering...guys, are there certain things that girls do that make you want to ghost them? Girls, have you ever gotten feedback on why guys stop talking to you? Are there general things I should be improving about myself so that every single guy I talk to doesn't decide to disappear after convincing me that they're enjoying my company?

submitted by /u/FatButLittle
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from Dating Advice

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