I apparently flirted with a girl, and my crush texted me about it. - ATX News Paper

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Thursday, January 31, 2019

I apparently flirted with a girl, and my crush texted me about it.

Hey everyone, hope you're having a good evening (or morning)

TL:DR is at the bottom, cause this is kind of a wild ride.

So I should probably start off by saying that I go to a small boarding/day school which has about 250 kids, and I'm a guy. I have had a crush on this girl for a while now. She's really pretty and smart and would love to be with her.

Fast forward to today. We have this thing called winter carnival at our school for a week, and today in the afternoon our grade went bowling as part of it. Anyways, me and this girl were talking and we kept on annoying each other (she would just take my phone, and I would tease her about some guy that toured the other day that she "hated"). Apparently we were flirting with one another, and we got a few questions about it, even though I didn't even mean to flirt, I was just trying to talk to her. I should probably mention that I suck at flirting and have no idea when I'm doing it, and it's actually the complete opposite for me, I'm more quiet around my crush then flirty.

Anyhow, fast forward about 6 hours and I'm on the bus to go skiing with the ski club at my school. My friend, who was one of the only two people that I had told about my crush were talking about something to do along the lines of my crush when she snaps me. Since it's bell let's talk day, I just think "oh it's another one of those snaps," but no it's a text to me saying "hey."

Now, she's made the first move in a lot of things. She followed me on instagram first, she followed me with her spam account first, she added me on snapchat first (not by quick-add either, by username. Idk how she got it but whatever) and then she TEXTED me first.

Now the first thing that she asked me was "so do you like (person you were so called "flirting" with today) to which I replied "no, I like someone else." She then asked who and I said "I can't tell you." She then went on to pester me about who I liked, and I eventually asked "Well who do YOU like?" to which she said "I can't tell you" or something along the lines of that. We then agreed that we would tell each other who we like tomorrow sometime.

My friend said that I should let her go first so that if she says she doesn't like me, then I can just pretend I like someone else and blow it off. However, I feel like if I go first, then I can kinda "fluster" her I guess and then I'd have a greater chance.

So my two questions are; One, do you think I have a good shot? I personally believe I have a good shot but I wanna know about you guys. Second of all, if we do end up having that conversation we're supposed to have tomorrow, should I go first or second?

Tl:DR: Was caught "flirting" with a girl, crush texts me asking about it, we pester each other about who we like, and then we agree to tell each other tomorrow.

Thanks everyone so much for reading this. I really appreciate it!

submitted by /u/StephenHurly
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from Dating Advice http://bit.ly/2UydP9J

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