I M(15) just asked a girl (15) for her contact info and sort of messed it up. What should I do next? - ATX News Paper

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Thursday, January 31, 2019

I M(15) just asked a girl (15) for her contact info and sort of messed it up. What should I do next?

've been flirting with this girl for a while, and we enjoy chatting and joking with eachother. A few of my friends think that she likes me as well, so I decided to try and get some of her contact info today. I'm going to be away for a week, so I thought now might be a good time. I asked her if she had snapchat or anything and she said she said she didn't. She then asked why, I sorta froze up and said "I don't know" did I really mess up? Afterwords, she asked me if I had it and I said I did. We would of kept talking I think, but some other kid interrupted us.

Tomorrow is my last day before I leave. Should I try and go for her number? How do I go about doing this? I have English and Phys Ed with her tomorrow. I could sit at her English table, I'm also friends with her friends, but I'm worried it could get awkward if I take someone's seat or something. I'm pretty unathletc for Phys Ed, so I don't know if that's the ideal time. It's also winter Carnival! So we have a hypnotist coming tomorrow. Should I sit with her then?

TL:DR: Leaving for a week. Asked girl for snapchat. Doesn't use it, asked me why and I froze and said I didn't know. She asked if I had it. What should I do next?

Also, sorry if formatting is bad, on mobile site

submitted by /u/GlamisCawdorKing
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from Dating Advice http://bit.ly/2UsdrcH

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