Am I getting strung along? - ATX News Paper

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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Am I getting strung along?

Ok so I dated this girl for three months and we were both madly in love . Everything was great until the end. We broke up for a week and we ended getting back in touch and getting back together just to break up again a week later. It’s been a month and she unblocked me from everything and added me to everything she blocked me from. Our conversations have been rocky at first but calmed rather quickly and we both missed each other’s conversations and keeping in touch . She told me there’s a reason she can’t leave me alone but said I don’t know when I asked why and it’s been hard for her as much as it has me. She also made it sound like hope by getting back together by saying it would never work between us if it countinued the way it was and that we need to grow individually before anything happened again , but our texts are just a few a day and haven’t heard from her all day , I sent the last text and no response for about 14 hours now . So opinions on if I’m getting strung along or does she actually care to work things out

submitted by /u/THE-COUGAWHISPERER
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from Dating Advice

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