Guys, would you date a girl who has minimal or limited insterests or hobbies? - ATX News Paper

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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Guys, would you date a girl who has minimal or limited insterests or hobbies?

I’ve (F26) been dating this guy (M26) now for almost 2 mos and I noticed that he has a lot of interests and hobbies and he’s also very intellectual. When we go out, he will always talk about what he’s passionate about and other things that he’s interested on. I just noticed that I’ve only shared 2 interests with him and I don’t talk about it anlot just cos I felt intimidated and i secure. Sometimes I would even ask myself what is he doing with a boring person like me? I keep on doubting myself. So guys, does it matter for you if the girl you’re dating only has a few interests? I’m also willing to be influenced by his hobbies and interests, I’m just maybe overthinking right now cos is it gonna be a problem for us in the long run maybe he’d get bored and leave?

submitted by /u/underthesea95
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from Dating Advice

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