Am I wrong for no longer wanting to care or like someone too much unless they show it first? - ATX News Paper

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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Am I wrong for no longer wanting to care or like someone too much unless they show it first?

I'm sick and tired of making the same mistakes and it's time for a change. I feel that liking someone or caring about someone too soon has caused me nothing but pain. I'm tired of putting in too much effort. After the last one, I just feel done. Dont get me wrong, if I'm interested in someone I'm still gonna ask them out try to have a good time and get to know them but I will be more guarded than ever. I'm not swooning, I'm not falling and I'm not caring unless I know it's right and I'm sure they feel the same.

And if a girl ever does anything that hurts me I'm letting them know that it's not gonna fly with me. If a girl flakes on me I'm not giving them any more of my time. I feel like I've been living my whole life with my chest wide open but it's time to keep it closed. I've been a chump cause I get too caught up on one and not knowing my worth. Love is blind and I'm tired of being blinded.

I'm still prepared to get hurt by love but I will be safer with my actions. I feel like I make mistakes when I like someone too soon. Or cause I dont respect myself enough and put up with bullshit from women until I get frustrated. I'm just over it. I'm truly terrified of making the same mistakes again and ruining something again with someone I really like. Am I wrong with this mindset? Is there something else I should be doing? I havent been in a real steady relationship in a very long time.

submitted by /u/MajinJellyBean
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