Reddit I broke up with him. - ATX News Paper

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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Reddit I broke up with him.

I've made multiple posts about my boyfriend. We've only been together for 3 months and it has been bitter sweet. The thing that bothered me the most about him is how critical he could be and how he'd raise his voice. A month ago a comment he made brought me to tears (I cried in private).

Last night I asked God for a sign, a clear one, one that I couldn't deny or justify and tonight I got it.

He yelled at me, like intensely, worse than I've ever seen him do before. I felt a range of emotions like sadness, shock, disgust, anger, doubt etc...

I can't do it any more, I can't live like this. I felt that because I'm almost 32 and with a teen child that I wouldn't find anyone and maybe I won't but i prefer being single than being like this in a relationship.

The night ended with me saying this isn't going to work and him mentioning a break and me saying let's just end it all. So, I guess I need to make the final phone call that ends it because I'm sure I don't need a break, I need to leave for good.

I hope I can let him go easily. I know I'm going to feel terrible seeing him with another woman in town but I can't stay with him. It's too much. We're too much for eachother.

Thank you for your sound advice that I never listened to. I'm gracefully bowing out.

submitted by /u/Joz86
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from Dating Advice

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