Thank you guys for the advice!! - ATX News Paper

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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Thank you guys for the advice!!

Tl/dr at bottom.

So awhile ago I (M22) posted a few times asking for advice on texting and how much physical contact I should have with a girl (F24) I have been talking too and going on dates with.

So I followed the advice given and after our second date she spent the night and nothing happened other than her sleeping in my bed with me. And she and I both really enjoyed this, and over the weekend I spent the night at her parents house and then went out to dinner with her and her parents and it went really well.

And because of the advice I followed from the 2 posts we have been talking on the phone almost every night and I love it and now we have a overnight trip to DC planned for middle of August and she pitched this to me and basically begged me to go with her.

So I just want to say thank you guys. You guys helped me when I was freaking out about my feelings and what I should say/do. So thank you!! I am much more confident in being myself around her and what I should say and do with her now.

Tl/dr : I posted here three times asking for advice, got advice. And am now feeling much more confident in what to say and do with girl I like.

submitted by /u/pheasantJMU
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from Dating Advice

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