Girl from my class giving me signals I'm not sure how to interpret. - ATX News Paper

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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Girl from my class giving me signals I'm not sure how to interpret.

TLDR at the end.

So here's the deets. From the beginning of the semester a girl (F19) in one of my college classes has approached me (M21) and consistently sought out conversation/interaction with me. She initiated and I gladly reciprocated, but I was considerably squeamish/awkward seeing as I am very introverted. Over the course of a few weeks I gradually got to know more about her and told her a bit about myself. In hindsight I'm a little puzzled as to why she chose to come talk to me of all people, I don't consider myself much of a looker and it was clear from the start that I was a bit uncomfortable when it came to regular conversation.

At some point I offhandedly remarked about playing the trading card game Magic The Gathering back in high school which seemed to spark her interest. We talked about it for a bit and she mentioned a local card shop in town that she was interested in going to and playing some MTG. She expressed to me however that she was a bit apprehensive about going by herself because card shops have a stigma of attracting oddball individuals that she was concerned would hit on/harass her. I told her I would go check out the card shop myself to try and gauge the feel for the place (I had been to my fair share of card shops back in high school and understood her concern).

This past Monday I went in to scope out the card shop which ended up having a super friendly guy running the front register and had good all around vibes. The next day after my class with her, I told her that I thought the card shop was a good venue but that this week in particular was a no go because I had work in the afternoon for both the days the card shop regularly held tournaments.

I can't remember the conversation exactly, but when I brought up the card shop and my circumstances with work we talked a bit more and she mentioned something along the lines of "Leaving behind an old group of friends" from last semester due to them being a poor influence and her being in the process of "Starting over". I expressed my sympathy, seeing as had been in a similar situation before. After that she went off on a bit of a tangent after mentioning her old friends, specifically about how they would play smash bros. She then proceeds to tell me about a male friend of hers who is out on an LDS mission (Pretty common for people to be LDS where I go to school, I myself am LDS.) and about how they would also play smash bros, how she wanted to play smash bros with him when he got back. After that we swapped contact info and sent a few memes back and forth after class.

I was beginning to take a bit of a romantic interest in this girl but I feel like there are some red flags that have since popped up after today's chat. The first being her mentioning of being in the "Starting over" phase of rebuilding her friend group since the beginning of this semester. Can't help but get the vibe that I'm a part of this "Starting over" process which could potentially put quite a big damper on any romantic pursuits I could attempt, seeing as that puts me in the friend zone from the get go. My second concern is with her male friend who is out on a mission. I'm probably paranoid from my most last relationship which got cut off due to the girl I was dating having feelings for a guy who was out on an LDS mission who she had referred to as "Just a friend". Once again, can't help but get the vibe that this dude who is out on an LDS mission is something deeper seeded then she is letting on, especially when you take into account that she stated that she wanted to see him again once he got off his mission.

All in all, I'm open to the idea of being pals with this girl, but would definitely be disappointed at not being able have a crack at a romantic relationship. I don't have many friends on account of me being so introverted so I guess either outcome would be a positive regardless of my own feelings. I was really getting the vibe she was into me; she consistently asked questions about me, she consistently complimented my classwork even when it wasn't the best, she is down to do stuff with me outside of class. Maybe I'm reading too far into what she said, maybe I'm spot on, IDK, that's why I made this post.

TLDR: Girl in my class has shown interest in spending time outside of class with me, brought up that she is trying to make new friends and has a male friend who is out on an LDS mission, I'm reading too far into it, or am I?

submitted by /u/irun4bearscapes
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