[21M] Am I an asshole/idiot for trying to date two different girls at once? - ATX News Paper


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Saturday, January 25, 2020


[21M] Am I an asshole/idiot for trying to date two different girls at once?

So I’m single and not in any exclusive relationship.

I have been talking to one girl (P) for a while. We message every day, and we agreed to get coffee. After that, I asked her on a date (dinner and a movie), she said yes but was kind of iffy on the date, saying she was busy. I couldn’t tell if she actually was just busy and wanted to go or was just blowing me off.

A lot of my friends have given me the advice of not putting all my eggs in one basket. So because of the ambiguity of the situation, I decided to see if I could talk to another girl I talked with before (S). I didn’t have her number so I asked a female friend (T), if she could invite her to the next school club meeting. She said sure and asked me if this was a crush. I said “not sure yet, but we spent a lot of time talking and I wanted to talk to her again”. So I’m pretty sure she thinks I have a crush on her.

I was messaging T as well, and I mentioned P to her and how we had coffee and plan on dinner and a movie. The thing is, T knows both S and P. They aren’t all in the same friend group, I met each of them independently, but she knows who both of them are.

When I told her about P, I didn’t think it was a big deal. I guess because we only met up for coffee (besides seeing her in the philosophy club) and I also only talked to S once. However, thinking back, I am worried about this being sleazy behavior or cheating. I’m pretty sure P doesn’t know about S or vice versa.

T hasn’t responded to my messages in a few hours, but I’m just worried if I totally fucked up or not. I haven’t exactly been on dates before so I don’t really know what it considered cheating or not.

submitted by /u/4skin-maestro
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