Trying to decide (m35) whether I should ask a girl I like (f25-30) out but only know her from interacting with her at her job. - ATX News Paper


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Friday, January 24, 2020


Trying to decide (m35) whether I should ask a girl I like (f25-30) out but only know her from interacting with her at her job.

I AM NOT ASKING FOR PICKUP ADVICE. I seriously just want advice on how to ask her out without coming off like a creeper. She works at the liquor store near my work and always talks to me when I come in. I'm getting the signals that she's interested and yesterday she introduced herself after we we're talking about rock climbing (she lives near me and said she wants to check out the gym near my house.) I'm being moved from my current job to another location soon so I won't be anywhere near the store she works at (30 mins in the opposite direction from where I live). I don't see her outside of her work and. I was thinking about asking her of she wants to go climbing sometime since I get free guest passes as a member but I feel sleazy asking her out while she's at work. On the same token I get the vibe that she wants me to ask her out (body language, eye contact, etc.) and don't want to waste the opportunity because she seems like someone I would really get along with. I get the feeling that she'd be interested but she's a gorgeous woman working at a liquor store who gets hit on all day by drunks so I just feel like it may cone across bad asking her there. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I'm pretty sure that I'll ask her but if I get an overwhelming "no" response here I might reconsider.

submitted by /u/thisiswhatweget1739
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