Should I continue with this relationship? (22F) (27M) - ATX News Paper

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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Should I continue with this relationship? (22F) (27M)

I (22f) have been seeing this guy (27M) since December. We met on a dating app and agreed to meet each other on a Saturday after talking for a week. We went to a bar and had drinks and talked. It went pretty well that we went to the second bar and after he asked if I could come over to his place for wine. I never go home with a guy on a first date. But we really hit it off with our personalities and humor so I said why not. Do it for the plot! I also never climbed a tree that high before so it was a first in everything lol.

After drinking the wine btw didn’t even finish it, it was ass I don’t like wine. We ended up having sex it was good nothing too crazy. But I'm used to leaving the night of thanks to a past fwb. Especially since he was basically a stranger. I was gonna hit it and leave. But I ended up being trapped when he brought candles and wanted cuddles. I slept over, I couldn’t leave like in the romcom movies smh.

After all that we kept seeing each other every weekend. If it’s not a weekend it’s a weekday. We go on dates, we go to comedy clubs, bars, and escape rooms. We’ve been snowed in together and had many sleepovers where I stayed for more than two days. Some of my stuff is in his house. So it’s easier and I don’t have to pack too much for an overnight bag.

At one point I crashed out cause I saw he still had dating apps on his phone. I kept it to myself. You could look at my past post of my crash out. I was overreacting I know cause I still had mine at the time, I know I’m a hypocrite. But I haven’t messaged anyone since we’ve been hanging out. But it’s whatever it’s not like we’re official. We did spend Valentine’s Day together. He took me out to dinner and got me chocolate. But the phrase “Will you be my Valentine or girlfriend?” Never slipped from his mouth like I was hoping it would.

I don’t know when he’ll ask me out to be his girlfriend. When we went to comedy shows last weekend and they asked “Are there any new relationships?” we stayed quiet. Or if there are “any singles out tonight?” we still stay quiet lol. However, we’ve been doing too many couple things lately.

Recently we just went to a sex store together to get something to spice up the bedroom. He suggested it. I have never even done that with a past fwb. At first, I was a little shocked but at the same time down for it cause he was paying for a toy for me. This happened last weekend and I just came from his house today. After we kissed each other goodbye before we both had to leave for work in the morning.

So in y’all opinion what do you think we are? I want us to be official so bad. I’m ready for it, but at the same, I don’t want to rush him and ask “What are we?” And ruin our peace. Is there any way I can do to speed up the process or I should wait and see?

submitted by /u/CuriousKangaroo4
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