A girl Ive been talking to told me she wants to slow down; what should I do? - ATX News Paper

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Saturday, March 28, 2020

A girl Ive been talking to told me she wants to slow down; what should I do?

I am 18M, and I have been talking to this girl for about 3 weeks now. I met her on tinder, and then a week later I met her in person. I really really like her, and she is very unique and not like most other girls my age. She is very attracted to me, and I am to her. She has voiced her feelings towards me and we started to text every day. Pretty soon, our texting styles started to become closer, and the words, "babe, baby, b" started to get thrown around. Me personally, I took this as the sign that we were, "talking." This had all started to happen so quickly, and I was definitely aware of this fact. But I kept rolling with her, and now is where the tricky part comes in.

So I am 18 and I graduated high school last year, and I enlisted in the Air National Guard. I am leaving for basic training on April 14th, and will be gone from home for 2 months before I return. I was aware that this would obviously interfere with this situation, but I decided to keep going with it. I guess I just really like this girl and Ive barely gotten to know her yet, and I just wanted to see if I could make something happen with her romantically, otherwise I would feel that Ive missed out on a great girl. About two nights ago, she stopped texting as fast as usual, and was being very short. I noticed the unusual behavior, but thought nothing of it.

So today, this girl and I were texting like usual, and she brought up the, "I need to talk to you" text. She said, "I need to talk to you: the reason I got quiet the other night is because you're leaving. You're leaving for training and I 110% support you on your journey. But I'm not comfortable settling down knowing that you wont be here, the commitment behind long distance scares me, and I don't think that is something people our age should be doing. I like you, and I support you, but I dont want to get attached because you wont be here. Until things settle down with corona and you're back home, I feel its best we just be friends before we start anything. Let me be your closest friend first."

So, this is where I need you guys's help. What do you interpret from this? Should I give her the benefit of the doubt and continue to keep in touch with her and let life roll on and once I get back try and get serious with her, or do you think this all means that she is simply trying to friend zone me for good?

If you read this far, thank you very much, that was a lot I know. Any tips or comments would be appreciated. Thank you for reading.

submitted by /u/Bullschamp180
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