Does she want me at all anymore? - ATX News Paper

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Monday, March 30, 2020

Does she want me at all anymore?

I dont understand why it's so hard for her to express her feelings unless theres genuine resentment which I'm beginning to believe. I dont know if she wants me here with her or if she cares at all. I dont know what to do about it. Every chance she gets she talks about sex with past partners or how unhappy she is with ours. The clowning is constant but the love or affection is almost never. I'm so fucking confused. Its impossible to be with someone who expects me to show all my feelings at every possible turn and shows nothing at all in return. Maybe I'm just prolonging the inevitable. Maybe this isnt what she wants at all. Maybe she wants someone or something else and I'll never add up. I'm in love with her. That I know. I want her. But I cant make her feel a certain way. Lord knows I've tried. So what should I do? What should I feel? I cant keep wearing my heart on my sleeve to someone who refuses to do the same. Her way of dealing with things is to say "dont touch me, dont talk to me". So maybe what she feels is conditional? She says that's how she deals with it. But that's not dealing with it at all. So I end up not telling her how I feel to avoid the cold shoulder or being ignored. I'm lost.

submitted by /u/justawarlockmain
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