All swings, no hits. What am I doing wrong? - ATX News Paper

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Monday, March 30, 2020

All swings, no hits. What am I doing wrong?

I (36/M/Canada) have been going hard on Tinder/Bumble/OLD the last 8 weeks and have come up with 1 actual in-person date (There will not be a second!) and a few chats that fell off the face of the planet after the first message or two.

The number of matches I've received in the last 2 weeks has been basically zero, same for the messages in reply to my postings.

I have several good pictures of myself and a well written (for 500 characters lol) info-packed bio.

I am active every day matching with those who I am interested in and not just blindly swiping. My initial messages are not cookie-cutter responses and I take the time to review each profile before I swipe so when I do reply it is relevant and respectful.

What the hell am I doing wrong?

submitted by /u/Arctic_560
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from Dating Advice

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