Crazy about a co-worker - ATX News Paper

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Sunday, March 29, 2020

Crazy about a co-worker

So I’m a 23M and I’ve been working as a financial advisor since October. For some context I’m an above average looking guy but am not the best when it comes to women. I’ve never had a girlfriend so I’m not really sure what love feels like but I know I feel differently about this girl than any other girl before. Sometimes when we’re making calls together I just look at her and smile. Being around her never fails to put me in a great mood. She’s a 22F and started working right around the same time as me. We’ve been doing events, making phone calls, and prospecting together on a daily basis. I know for a fact she really enjoys working with me and enjoys my company. I’m starting to really care about her and am interested in her romantically but don’t want to make things weird. Keep in mind finding people you genuinely like to work with and trust isn’t the easiest thing to come by in the insurance/financial services field. She actually does have a guy she’s currently “talking to” but openly talks about him with me and makes it clear she isn’t taking whatever she has with this guy very serious. Should I be patient and wait for the right opportunity let her know how I feel? Or just open up to her about how I feel once everything is back to normal? Or any other advice you guys have for me would be greatly appreciated

submitted by /u/lbolt121
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