How do hookups even happen? What are women looking for? - ATX News Paper

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Sunday, March 29, 2020

How do hookups even happen? What are women looking for?

Sorry, I need a place to vent

I'm a 22-year old virgin who's been on tinder for 3 years, and have not lost my virginity yet. Honestly, it's taking a toll on my mental health, and I get so jealous hearing stories about people having hookups and getting laid left and right. /r/tinder is full of those stories as well, but it hasn't happened to me, and it makes me insanely jealous. Even here, there's tons of stories on how people get sex, but not a relationship, and honestly, stories like that make me jealous and depressed

I have been on a few dates before, but none of them led to anything. Some of them I tried to pursue a relationships with that would lead to sex, but they were never ready, not even after 2 months. It makes me feel like I'm too undesirable to have sex.

I've remade my online dating accounts then multiple times to try to use new photos/bio combinations, but I still struggle to get matches, let alone people that are willing to go on a date. Even then, I get lots of comments saying I'm too ugly to have sex with on reddit when asking people for private help. If you'd like, you could also help me out with my profile, but please be honest.

So in that case, how does a hookup happen then? People call me ugly on a daily basis, so I don't understand how it could happen to me, if physical attraction is part of the deal.

For real, any advice? Will a woman just walk up to me and yell "Sleep with me", or what do I steps do I have to take? How attractive do I have to be? You can take a look at my dating profiles to show what I have to work with, but I only want to do this via PM

submitted by /u/throwaway4439239
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from Dating Advice

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