What is your experience dating guys with acne? - ATX News Paper

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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

What is your experience dating guys with acne?

I am a 21M and I've always had acne prone skin. I don't know why but my sister has very clear skin and I don't know if its genetics or what. It's always been an insecurity of mine when I started to have pretty bad acne in my junior year high school and has really crippled my self confidence. Long story short, I started dating this girl in Jan and my skin was very clear. However, two weeks ago I started breaking out randomly for no reason and I don't know why it has to happen just when I start dating someone. I haven't been able to see her because of the coronavirus and social distancing, but I wanted to hear what girls think of dating a guy with acne. Would you girls date a guy with acne or will you no longer feel the same if you fond out they had acne? I want to tell her because it's stressing me out, but I'm not sure. It will definitely take me another 3 months to fix my skin :( I need some advice right now, thanks guys :)

submitted by /u/Raymartal
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