Am I the unluckiest guy on this planet? - ATX News Paper

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Friday, August 30, 2019

Am I the unluckiest guy on this planet?

I’m a 21 year old male who has had zero female interaction. No relationships. No sex. No kisses. No hand holding.

I like to think I’m very social. I have friends (which do include females, but strictly platonic) and I go to visits and such.

I’ve tried tinder, Hinge, bumble, and yet I’ve gotten nothing. No hookups. No relationships. I feel like I’m destined to die a virgin. Die without any female interaction. How have others my age gotten past this?

I feel like it’ll never happen no matter how much I try. I work on myself and nothing changes. I’m so fucking lonely.

submitted by /u/Totally_not_porn16
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