How to proceed from here after being ghosted. - ATX News Paper

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Thursday, August 29, 2019

How to proceed from here after being ghosted.

A little over a month ago, I (M23) met this amazing girl (F21) on a dating app. Right away we hit it off pretty well, we actually had a lot in common, and we were both seeking same things in a relationship. It felt like she was a girl I wanted to get to know even more, so of course I got her digits.

Over the next few weeks after that, we talked backed and for, as any other two individuals with wanted something more serious. She said she enjoyed my company, and she feels like I’m right for her.

That was basically the last text I ever got from her before she ghosted me. The following week, I sent her cute text as I typically do, no response. Texted her about a week later, no response again. This all happened about 2-3 weeks ago, and I still haven’t heard from her. What should I do? Text her one more time, or just move on? She did admit to me once that she’s lousy at texting back.

submitted by /u/ebueno77
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from Dating Advice

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