How do I confess to my crush? - ATX News Paper

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Saturday, April 3, 2021

How do I confess to my crush?

TLDR: I have a crush on my friend and don't know how to move forward

Ok, for some context I (22m) have a crush on my roomate (23f). I have known for some time that I had a crush on her but it has really cemented in the last few weeks. We have been friends for a while but recently we have been spending a lot of time together, mostly watching movies. I know that seems like a good sign, but she is also the type of person to send out lots of "go" signals and be totally oblivious to the fact. Other than hanging out, she hasn't really seemed all that into me romantically, but I also haven't really tried to push anything. This is partially because I myself have no dating experience and she also has very little. I have a few questions that I would love some advice with.

  1. How do I tell her that I have a crush on her without ruining our friendship if she rejects me?

  2. If I do end up confessing, how do I move from friendship to dating while avoiding any awkwardness or expectations?

  3. Honestly I would just love any dating advice in general as i have absolutely no experience myself.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Also I apologize for any weird formatting, I am on mobile.

submitted by /u/UpsetTeddy
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from Dating Advice

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