This girl is literally everything I could've asked for. How does one do Flirting?! - ATX News Paper

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Wednesday, December 28, 2022

This girl is literally everything I could've asked for. How does one do Flirting?!

guys this is too good to be true.

I met this girl on a dating app three weeks ago and we have talked non stop wince we matched. We have so much in common and her personality is amazing. She's such a sweet, caring person, smart, funny and on top of all that is beautiful, definitely out of my league.

And we started doing voice messages, which is out of my comfort zone because hearing my own voice makes me self conscious and I have a pretty bad stutter that im super weird about

And weve talked on the phone for hours straight and she's laughing and giggling at my jokes and shes making some of her own and were having a great time, and then she fell asleep on the call with me.

But she's the first person in a LONG time that I feel like I can be 100% me and a few days ago randomly after one of my messages she just says "I love listening to your voice. I think your stutter is adorable, Idk if you get insecure about it but I think it's adorable" and I lit up. I don't think I've ever smiled so big in my life I think that's honestly the nicest thing I've ever been told. I havnt been this comfortable with a person since before my anxiety, which was when I was 13.

And today I was in the middle of eating and didn't see she texted me so she was left on delivered for 15ish minutes and she sent me a message saying "Where did you goooo! I miss you I want to hear your voice." And yeah up until now ig we havnt Really done much flirting just more so getting to know eachother and I'd like to start flirting with her but I don't know how? This is the first time I've gotten this far with a girl

Any advice would be amazing

submitted by /u/ToddR33
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from Dating Advice

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