23, almost 24 and have never had a boyfriend. What is wrong with me? - ATX News Paper

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Saturday, April 3, 2021

23, almost 24 and have never had a boyfriend. What is wrong with me?

I'm going to be 24 in 4 months, and have never been in a relationship before. I very casually dated a couple guys during college, and that's about it.

I get rejected pretty often. Most of the dates I've been on, I don't make it past the first or second date till I never hear from them again. Just as an example, the most recent date I went on, I thought it went great. We met on Hinge and he asked me to dinner - the conversation flowed really well, we laughed a lot and seemed to have a great connection, I even was a dumbass thinking there was some level of sexual tension (now I know it was only on my end, embarrassing I know). I ended the date letting him know I'd love to see him again, and he just went "okay, have a great night!" And I never heard from him after that. (He followed me on instagram right after that though which was so bizarre LOL). I just don't get it - I know I'm not Angelina Jolie, but he knew what I looked like beforehand, and I KNOW the conversation went well. So what did I do wrong?

The reason I used that example is bc it pretty much perfectly sums up what my attempt at finding love has been like. No guy is ever interested in me once they get to know me. I watch these women have men who are head over heels for them ... but it's like I'm just too ugly or lame or weird for every guy I've liked. My friends always joke about how easy men are, and they never get rejected - the guys are the ones chasing after them. So what's wrong with me? Is it going to be like this forever?

PS- I appreciate any advice I can get. But please don't use the "It'll happen when you stop trying / are least expecting it" line. Not all of us get approached by people, and actually have to put ourselves out there if we want to get anywhere. Sorry to sound bitter - that one just grinds my gears lol.

submitted by /u/lizzoismymother
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