Guy I went out with the past few months just told me he is not sure if he still has feelings for his ex - ATX News Paper

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Friday, April 2, 2021

Guy I went out with the past few months just told me he is not sure if he still has feelings for his ex

...I should just dip right? He basically said he is pretty sure he is over her, but brought it up specifically, first asking about my exes and a, if I was still friends with them, then b, how I still felt about them then told me this.

He said he wanted to be honest. He's done stuff like drive to see her when she was having mental health issues and was institutionalized for a bit.

Things were starting to get more serious which is why I think this came up. I am just in shock atm. And I don't want to be 2nd fiddle to someone.

submitted by /u/trashpandaa567
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