Does he likes me? When would be a good moment to ask them out if they do? (Long back story but it is really important!) - ATX News Paper

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Monday, November 27, 2023

Does he likes me? When would be a good moment to ask them out if they do? (Long back story but it is really important!)

Hey guys! So here is the back story.

So we met at a show and at first yes he was attractive but I didn't develop anything, but I did notice he would look at me a LOT throughout the show, even when his band would perform. ( LOCAL BAND) I thought his band was cool already so I followed them, yada yada, I kept going to shows.

So second show (he was playing drums for his other band) I noticed that the same thing would happen where he would look at me and stuff and even my friends (I went to the show with them) told me so too. This time I decided to try to start to talk to him, so after his set when he walked by my group of friends I said,

"You guys did great, the set was amazing!" (I said)

He said this part kind of awkwardly and rushed( rushed because he did have something to do)


But the thing that gets to me is my friend says the same thing to him, but she got more energy and acted more like himself. He doesn't usually have a problem talking to people, matter of fact he is pretty social even with the opposite sex. So why that response? Any who, since I saw that happen I did think he hated me.

So now the third show, was a costume party so we were all dressed up, he wore I'm pretty sure a blanket ghost costume. (very cute not going to lie) . To sum up the show, I didn't even notice this but my friend did, that he would always pass by me even though there were other spaces he could have passed by, and would turn towards my direction (we couldn't be sure, once again he has a sheet ghost costume).

We are almost done (1st long part), Fourth show. So the fourth show was pretty filled with interactions in my opinion. So at this point, I wasn't really sure what I wanted so I decided to pipe down (calm down/ back down). But this shows he was way more social towards me. So to start to show off, I wore their band shirt (this part is important I swear) and time skip to when the interactions started, Of course, there were stares and looking away and stuff like that. didn't think much of it because maybe I thought too much about it and I didn't think it meant much and I was being crazy. Anyways, so the show starts, I'm with my friends blah blah, I'm just enjoying life enjoying music trying to go into the pit. I noticed he would appear near me a lot and jump into me. (I was the border of the pit). Didn't think much about it since it can happen to anyone, (though there were multiple times he would just see me and then jump into me and stuff. ) When his band went up he asked people to come up, But he would just look at me so I would look back then look away because I sometimes have a hard time with eye contact. anyways his band starts, blah blah, he asked people to come up again I didn't this time, he was still looking at me. I thought I was crazy but didn't want to assume anything. Time skip to the end of their show my friend talks to him and she got handcuffed to him, this made it easier to talk to him so I was grateful. I even took a picture of it, I was supporting my friend because I didn't want to ruin her chances. So I would just be a hype person basically. I realized through all of that, that he would look over to me even with different conversations with different people, so, of course, I played it off and just didn't do much. before the next set started they got uncuffed and went on. Now set starts, For this set he actually was right next to me, like shoulder-to-shoulder type of stuff. I thought it was a coincidence until he literally turned my way and pointed out my shirt. we had a mini conversation while I was talking into his ear since the surroundings were loud, and then he asked if he could give me a hug. WHEN I TELL YOU this hug made me feel like the prettiest girl in the world, It really did. I'm pretty sure the hug lasted longer than a few seconds. After that happens I smile at him give him two thumbs up and I turn back to the pit area. He smiled back and did his own stuff talking to people around him. The show goes on, I am still in the same spot and he made his way back next to me, even in front of me where he was either protecting me or helping me protect people behind us since the pit was really aggressive. We got pushed back and he was in front of me this time. He turns back to me. STARES AT ME till I look back, and makes this face at me I DO ALL THE TIME. I was shocked but since I felt pretty energetic I did it too, The first one was weak then I fixed myself and did it better. We both laugh and smile at each other, life goes on. After that let's say a set after I decided to switch sides since I was sitting on the right side of the venue. I switched to the left side and he ended up right next to me again! Anyway, time skips to the end of the show I decide to go sit outside, he walks out time later we make eye contact he approaches, and he tells me to take a picture of my outfit I do so, yada yada. Another time skip because the stuff in between is irrelevant, I go to my car and decide to test my theory out based on music ( we like very similar music) I blast "jumpstyle" type of music and they end up next to my car because of it. my friends were also in the car, I told him we were getting milkshakes, and I asked if he wanted to come, he seemed like he wanted to, but his bandmate said no (I could be wrong). ANYWAYS 2 more parts, keep up with me.

fifth show, sum up he would literally look at me, have caught him multiple times, and he would look away all that. He would end up right next to me, this time really close to me even though there was room for us not to. I remember I was next to a guy friend and we would be close to each other, he would even push himself in between us type of stuff. He even did the hold turn back to me and make the face thing. I did the same, he did a little dance, and I did too we both smiled and danced together. anyways after that more catching his staring stuff.

now recently(The last long part), there was a skate park hang-out. I was pretty chill, was pretty excited simply because I really wanted to take photos and you know I like the guy and the band so that too. Time skip to the first interaction, he actually came up to me. He greets me and my friends, he seems pretty shy and awkward, and he compliments the beanie I have on. Of course, I appreciated it and then remembered I did get him a gift so I told him oh I got him a gift, he was like oh really, and I said oh let me get it from the car. I go to get it he goes back to what he was doing, I felt bad because I forgot to tell him to wait on me (T-T). Next interaction, he approached me again and asked me if he got to take pictures of me, I said no since I felt more like a photographer that day, he understood but then I offered him to show the photos. He said yes his face was right next to mine while I showed him the photos. Then I remembered the gift and asked him if he wanted me to give it, he did stutter a bit saying yes, was very cute. Anyway, I gave him the gift (a pair of maracas) he looked in I told him what it was and he seemed actually pretty happy, even did the face we would do to each other. I was smiling most of the time because I didn't think I would get this reaction then he opened his arms and hugged me a full hug no side hug, I hugged him back. I was happy. They stick around for a tiny bit longer and then leave because I continue with taking photos. Another friend wanted to give me a drawing they made, so I called him over again. My friend gives it but she does get a side hug I observed. Anyway next interaction he comes back to me to talk we say our hellos. Since we are at a skate park I said.

"I've always wanted to learn to skate!" - me

him," Oh why don't you learn?"

me, " I have tried once but when I fell on my ass was too scared to"

him, "Oh I get that, Do you want me to teach you?"

OF COURSE, I TAKE THAT OFFER, I mean who wouldn't. At first, he did get interrupted by other people, so after all that he did walk away with his board since it seemed I didn't want to. (oops) I call him over again and then he starts to teach me. I was asking him how to stand on it, and I felt stupid because he did tell me you just stand on it, I think he realized that made me feel bad because he ended up just showing me and reassuring me. Anyway, I finally get on and he is holding onto my hands. (IT WAS SUCH A CUTE MOMENT AAAH) and we were like that for a bit. he was telling me to balance and I was trying to (I'm bad at balancing). Then I asked what now, and he asked if he could push me around. I said yes. He still holds my hands and pushes me with him. My friends were taking pictures of this, very cute moment. Of course, I'm about to fall so I got off. Once that happens, I ask him if I can take pictures of him because why not. He says yes. I pointed him in the direction, but we had a mini awkward moment because we didn't know who was going to lead. Anyway that happened, I showed him the photos. I said oh thank you for the skateboarding lessons, and that that was my trade (photos) we both thanked each other, and since I was getting shy I walked away fast. My friends later told me that he was actually walking right next to me. I just didn't know.

now the only issue is he sucks genuinely at texting. I have had friends and people tell me their experiences texting him, and yes he probably texts me better, but it really still sucks.

So does he like me? And if so what is some advice I can take? I really want to ask him out but I am scared of rejection. So tips would be nice. AND apologies for grammatical mistakes.

submitted by /u/WinInevitable8207
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