Cannot seem to get a dating life and not sure where I'm going wrong - ATX News Paper

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Monday, May 27, 2024

Cannot seem to get a dating life and not sure where I'm going wrong

TLDR: Feel like I'm continually putting myself out there and having zero luck, can't quite figure out what it is I'm doing wrong. On the apps, meeting new people out and about - but nothing happening

I (26F) have been single for three years, my relationship before that being very abusive so I don't consider that a 'real' one if that makes sense. I took a conscious year off dating to focus on self work, therapy, getting my life back ect but since then have been trying to put myself out there more. I have a great circle of friends, work in nightlife so I am constantly meeting people and seem to be well liked in our community but it just will not transfer into a romantic life.

I'm not model material but I would say I am reasonably attractive, I think I'm quite pretty after a lot of work on my self esteem, I work as a photographer which I am gaining some traction and just generally have a lot of other stuff going on in my life as I know in the past its been off putting to people when I've had no other hobbies/interests/much of a career going for me. I have had mental health struggles in the past but have been generally stable for about 2 years now, but it seems like there's still no one that wants to get to know me.

I can count on one hand the amount of dates I've been on in the past 3 years and no one can seem to sustain interest in me for longer than 2 weeks and its not like I'm getting a lot of offers I'm rejecting, I'm also bisexual which you would think would at least increase my dating pool a bit!? I guess Im just wondering if there's something else I'm missing, if anyone is or has been in this position and can either relate or have advice. A lot of my friends are in long term relationships and just say oh you need to stop looking for it which is frustrating as I do have focus on so many other things in my life but its hard not to notice the absence and worry a little after three years.

submitted by /u/nonneutralmilk
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