I think I like my friend - need advice? - ATX News Paper

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Friday, May 17, 2024

I think I like my friend - need advice?

I have this friend who I met a few months ago. We both had the novelty of living close to each other back home so we used to just fly back together. I talked a bit with her sometimes and got to know her more, but we really got to know each other a lot more this semester, mainly through joining the same club coincidentally and her asking for a lot of school-related advice (she's a year younger than me). Tbh I never thought much of her until I got to know her more, and even she decorated a gift for me once and said that I was a really good friend (I've comforted her a lot on bad grades and when ppl were being mean to her, and even said I'm there as a space safe if she wants to talk or vent). We did try to make plans this week but she's kinda busy so we're tryna schedule around and meet up later. I really appreciate her a lot more now and I think I want a relationship? Or at least the desire to be closer and hang out/talk more. But I can't rly distinguish between if this person rly likes me or if they will, and I don't want our friendship to be weird if those feelings get involved. Honestly part of me wonders too if all she sees me as is some kind of academic mentor rather than a rly close friend, and I feel ashamed to ask her to hang out more. What should I do? How do I make opportunities to know this person more and develop a closer bond?

submitted by /u/Equal-Doc6047
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