Why the friendzone? - ATX News Paper

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Monday, May 20, 2024

Why the friendzone?

I'm just going to preface this with I do not hate the "friendzone". I believe it is possible for opposing genders to be friends, and don't personally hate it. It's nice to have more friends.

For reference: ~30m, 6'4", employed and has hobbies and would say all around pretty average looking.

Now with that said why do I always find myself in the friendzone and not the relationship side of things. It's nice having friends and all but when you're the only one that's single and and get the "how are you single" or "someone would be so lucky" it really feels like a slap in the face. Now I'm not under the presumption that they have go give me a chance or any of those other toxic mindsets but it would be nice to be actually considered or even set up for a blind date with one of their single friends.

Sp to the women out there. Is the reason why I'm relegated to the friend zone more often then not related to something I'm doing, the women I end up becoming friends with, or something I'm not even considering? I'd like the chance to build something more than another friendship that will only ever be a friendship with someone.

And before someone says I just want to get laid, all I have to say is: 1) sex is great, who doesn't like it? 2) I'm more than willing wait to do that with someone if we are actually making connections and building something. 3) I'm tired of listening to my friends (male and female) talk about what they're building/doing with their SO while I just feel like I'm rotting away in singles-ville. It really starts to eat at you when you have been on a date/Ina relationship for a very long time and just wondering how I can get my chance to have those connections for once?

submitted by /u/Vinsmoke_D_Brooks
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