How do I(25F) get over insecurities caused by my (28M) bf? - ATX News Paper

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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

How do I(25F) get over insecurities caused by my (28M) bf?

I (25F) and my partner (28M) have been dating for 3 months, in the beginning our chemistry was amazing. However in the first month after we both agreed to be exclusive he cheated on me, I found out and the girl he cheated on me with and I both confronted him. I decided to forgive him as we were new and i understand him since in the past I did something similar to an Ex bf. (To preface, I am tall, I have a nice butt but it’s not like huge to today’s standards, and my tummy is not huge but not flat… I go to the gym to battle my weight and try to work on my confidence) Ever since the cheating, he’s been a good bf however I have noticed on his instagram he will recieve thirst traps from friends and he’ll go into these ladies’ profiles and zoom in or spend some time looking at their big butts. When I mentioned that when I see him do that it makes me feel like he’s lusting over them and my body isn’t what he wants, or that I feel like I’m not sexy enough for him, (historically he’s dated shorter women who have been blessed with a nice bum.) he told me that he’s human and a male and it doesn’t change how he views me, that he’s with me, that he wouldn’t reach out to them, and that he just was looking, he doesn’t watch porn.

I set a clear boundary in our second month because I knew he was receiving these thirst traps and this would now be the second conversation I had with him.

Because of this, I haven’t felt like I wanted to have sex with him because I feel like I am not sexy enough for him.

So my question: how do I get over these feelings and trust that I am enough for him?

submitted by /u/Accomplished_Gene721
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from Dating Advice

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