How to not get rejected for paruresis/ performance issues while dating? - ATX News Paper

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Thursday, May 23, 2024

How to not get rejected for paruresis/ performance issues while dating?

So I’m a good looking super fit 31 year old male. I have a lot of potential. But I’m still single for some reasons.

I have PTSD which manifests itself as paruresis. (Inability to use urinate in public restrooms or when other people are around) I need 100% privacy. Whenever I’ve communicated this I get rejected shortly after. In relationships it has made things like traveling/camping difficult. And the woman starts to think me out of her life because she doesn’t want her life to revolve around my inability to urinate around people.

I also have suffered from premature ejaculation/ mild ED my entire life…. (I had some trauma to my penis at a young age)…. These problems can be improved with viagra/lidocaine spray prior to sex, I’m overall very good in bed but it seems like a lot of women don’t have patience for that stuff. I can’t afford to get sexually rejected one more time. It makes me feel suicidal.

I am asking for help to navigate dating with these issues. Do I bring them up initially? Or wait until I’ve invested time,money, and emotion in a person? The first option seems to hurt less. Though that seems to scare women away before they get to know me….. what am I supposed to do if I can’t pee in my own home when she is in close proximity? Please help

submitted by /u/Shoddy_Nothing5706
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from Dating Advice

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