Struggling to accept that a girl might actually like me - ATX News Paper

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Sunday, May 19, 2024

Struggling to accept that a girl might actually like me

A little preface before I get into it. Without going into too much details, over the past year I’ve lost pretty much everyone in my life outside of my family. Friends I’ve known for years, girlfriend of 4 years, lost them all. Anyone who is around me by choice not necessity is gone. Needless to say this really fucked up my mental state.

That brings me to today. Started going on dates again. Had a few awful ones but this most recent one went really well. Met a girl from tinder, we had dinner. Some really good conversation and at the end of the night I got her number and we are already planning a second date.

This leads me to my problem. I can’t shake the feeling that there is some ulterior motive for her hanging out with me. She is gorgeous a true 10/10 and I’m at most a 6/10. I don’t get it. I must have asked her “why me” 3 times during our first date. I just don’t know how to accept the fact that she might actually like me.

So I guess I’m asking for advice on how to shake this feeling. I really want this to work with her and I fear if I keep feeling this way I’ll end up screwing things up.

TLDR; title

submitted by /u/ZeTopHatGamer
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from Dating Advice

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