Why did my (21M) crush (20F) ignore my existence? - ATX News Paper

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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Why did my (21M) crush (20F) ignore my existence?

Context: I'm in college, in my third year, while my crush is in her second. I've had a crush on her for about 9 months now. We had minimal interaction nine months ago, just asking names and stuff.

About two months ago, I started occasionally liking her stories on Instagram, hoping she'd get the hint, but it didn't turn out that way. After mustering up all my courage, and with some motivation from my friends, I ended up texting her on Instagram four days ago, hoping for closure. Turns out, we had a good conversation for about 3 hours straight. I ended it because I had a test the next day and hadn't touched my books. I texted her "ttyl?" to which she replied "sure". I didn't text her again, not wanting to seem too desperate.

FAST FORWARD to today.

After hitting the gym, I went grocery shopping. I was almost done when SHE decided to walk in with two of her friends. I was totally caught off guard and didn’t even look at her. The three of them walked by right behind my back onto the next aisle. Now they thought they weren’t audible, but I DID hear them giggling about something. I was panicking; all the neurons in my brain were hitting the abort button. I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. I went to the checkout section, and while I was paying, she was sort of near me (about 10 feet away), so if she wanted, she could've just walked up to me and talked or something.

What I'm thinking: Were they laughing about me? Is she even interested? If so, why does she act like I do not exist? And I'm pretty sure the screenshots of my chats are in her group chat now. I don't know, the giggling is rubbing me the wrong way. Am I just a laughing stock for her and her friends? Am I just another loser who's fallen for her? ALSO, I forgot to mention, since I had just come back from the gym, I wasn't looking my best (meaning my hair was all messed up and stuff).

I was looking forward to texting her tonight, but now I'm not sure about that.

Please, shed some light on this subject. I want to hear some different opinions about what exactly is going on. Reddits my last resort to seek relationship advice yet here I am. Shoot it straight.

Edit: shes not a freshman, she passed 2 months ago

submitted by /u/OnMyMothaflippingWay
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