Should finances be a deal breaker? - ATX News Paper

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Saturday, May 25, 2024

Should finances be a deal breaker?


I am Indian (29M) work in IT company based out of California. I have been talking to a gir (27F) l from the last 3 months.

We talked about finances and she's very uncomfortable about it, right now all her finances are handled by her dad. So the discussion went this way -

I - "I want you to be part of my finances, know where the money is going or what we are doing with the money we get"

She - "I am not interested in it and maybe I'll not be interested in the future"

I - "I don't want you to handle everything but I will need to have certain decisions made, by you by my side, just put some sense if we are making a right decision, just be there for me, I don't want to be left alone when making big decisions or purchases in life"

She - "I don't want someone who wants to bind finances to a relationship, you need to seriously consider our situation"

I come from a low/middle class background and right now earning close to 250k. Slowly started building on life as we didn't even own a house and have savings of 1000 dollars until 2021. So yeah a middle class i would say.

whatever I'm working towards is for me family, and if she isn't interested in what I'm getting and what's happening with that money I don't know what we get to work on.

Is expecting basic understanding or finances or how you would them to understand your finances a wrong expectation?

submitted by /u/Optimal-Signature830
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