broke up with an avoidant over text, how to get over no closure? - ATX News Paper

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Sunday, February 18, 2024

broke up with an avoidant over text, how to get over no closure?

i really need some advice - this breakup is consuming my mind more than anything else for some reason (i think because there was no closure), and i genuinely think 1. I have to get over it asap or 2. we reconcile at some point IF and only if he reaches out to me - which I do not know if its possible so i'd love to hear your take

for context, I broke up with him (5 months relationship) over text bc he did not want to meet on a specific date (which we had previously agreed on) due to 'pressure'.

he sent a couple of messages explaining where the pressure was coming from (insecurity, family background etc), and asked for my opinion - at that point clear to me that he no longer wanted to put in any effort to continue the relationship, so I texted to breakup

I received no replies and the message is not even blueticked, so I'm very confused about his mentality and what he is thinking. we did not block each other (also still on instag) but i feel upset that I sort of did not get a closure?

This is my first relationship with an avoidant (which I only realised recently, maybe too late), so I would appreciate any insights you guys might have. I have already concluded that we have broken up and we are now in a no contact stage, but I want to know what he could be thinking and if he will ever reach out or we will reconcile. Thanks guys.

submitted by /u/EastDazzling7624
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