First time hanging out with my colleagues and had a small drinking session on and off between games. My colleague 32/M held me 23/F by the waist when no one was around as he was walking with me back to regroup with the others, is it an ensuring for my safety gesture? Or is he taking interest in me?? - ATX News Paper

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Monday, June 3, 2024

First time hanging out with my colleagues and had a small drinking session on and off between games. My colleague 32/M held me 23/F by the waist when no one was around as he was walking with me back to regroup with the others, is it an ensuring for my safety gesture? Or is he taking interest in me??

We went out as a group, and was on my way to take pictures/ videos of the rain outdoors, I ask him to come along with me because I was scared as I don’t think its safe for a girl to walk out alone half drunk…i went and he followed behind me. I took my pictures and turn around wanting to return back. I was surprised that my colleague held me by the waist as i turn around, this is our first outing with the group outside of work. (I hv a bf btw, and he knows too which im confused how do men think of this…) my other colleagues didnt know about this, idw to cause any unwanted gossips and this colleague of mine is also quite a gentlemen knowing him so far.

Could it be that its just a protecting gesture to ensure my safety, that i wont fall or from guys down the hallway? But ive read people’s thoughts around that waist might be a pretty sensual spot to touch? But we were both half drunk so im just as confused and surprised.

submitted by /u/Repulsive_Candy7149
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