When, where, and how I often should I approach women to get more dates? It feels like I need to do it all the time. - ATX News Paper

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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

When, where, and how I often should I approach women to get more dates? It feels like I need to do it all the time.

In order to get more dates, like I’m hoping for 4-5 dates a month, with women that I’m attracted to, I feel like I have to ask them out all the time. Before I’m slammed for giving into pl*yer mentality or r3d pill - both of those ideas I disagree with - the women that I go for naturally have plenty of options. I go for women out of my league, women that get approached a lot and probably never have to buy drinks. Due to this, the apps don’t work, I never get my shot. Also, I rarely drink and don’t like bars or clubs, so I think I just have to get used to the idea of seeing a beautiful woman, and like an impulse, without any consideration, try to get her number and a date.

I’m certain there will be a few comments like ‘you’re treating women like objects’ or ‘women don’t like to be approached, leave them alone’ or my favorite, ‘give it time and the universe will provide for you’. But I think, what vindicates me from this bias of player shit from doing this, is if I had more chances, i.e, more dates, with women, then I would have a higher chance of finding the one. My batting average last year was about 1 date a month, 12 chances to find the one and it didn’t go well.

submitted by /u/1l1l1l1l1l1l1l1l1l1i
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from Dating Advice https://ift.tt/4thQoXB

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