I M23 had to break up with the love of my life F24. How do I continue? - ATX News Paper

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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

I M23 had to break up with the love of my life F24. How do I continue?

We met almost a year ago, and we started building a very healthy relationship. There was no jealousy, no bitterness, no friction. Our relationship was very mature, and we both are highly ambitious and share the same goals for life. We were honest about everything, and the amount of respect and patience we had for each other was amazing. It was the picture perfect relationship.

I'm a dual citizen. I'm from a Nordic country, and I'm the only one in my family living in the States. I do have heart friends that I met through church (Poor translation. There's ''friends'' and then there are true deep meaningful friends: ''heart friends'') here, which have become my family.

I moved to the States because I wanted to be something of my own make. I felt like I was living the hamster wheel of life. Study, work, retire. I left from my comfort zone, and moved to America by myself to try and reach a growth zone.

My intentions are set to go back to my home country one day, and live closer to my family. Her intentions are set to stay in the States close to her family. She is also studying her dream field, and my home country does not suite it. For me to be able to be with her, I would have to abandon my need to be closer to my family. We could not compromise. If it was true love, would have I chose her over my family?

We visited each other last night. We went through the best moments of our relationship, and talked about what we taught each other. We cried and laughed together until the early morning hours.

She taught me what love is. I could take the Bible, and look for the sections that explain what love is, and replace the word ''Love'' with her name, and it was all true.

My question is, how do I continue? I love her too much to continue dating when I know at some point we have to leave each other. I've dated before, and breaking up hurt, but this time I feel a deeper longing for her. I feel like I lost the one thing that truly matters in life.

If it's meant to be, it will happen. Is what I tell myself. This post is more for me to get this off of my chest. Being with her I had a straight line of thoughts. Now my mind is scattered, but at the same time I notice myself just zoning out and being silent. English is my second language, and living here without family, and now without her makes me feel very alone.

I'm coordinating a charity event for work, which is coming up real soon. How do I keep focused on work while trying to make sense of this?

TLDR: Our futures did not line up with the love of my life, so we had to break up. How do I continue with life?

submitted by /u/Dramatic-Growth4979
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