My girl got hit on in front of me. Insecure about the situation - ATX News Paper

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Thursday, June 20, 2024

My girl got hit on in front of me. Insecure about the situation

Idk how to feel about this as it’s the first time anything like this has happened. I’m a pretty insecure guy. It’s hard to brush things off.

Me & this girl 27(M) and 27(F) are exclusively dating one another at the moment. I take her to the bar & we sit at the bar. We just get drinks & food, etc. We are both clearly talking to one another.

This stocky/bearded guy (prob mid 30s) approaches us as we are together & asks if we are a couple. She says yes & he leaves & doesnt bother us. Was weird. He clearly was interested in her.

Fast forward like an hour, one of HIS friends sends this girl I’m with a shot. Now idk for sure if the friend knew we were together cause idk if the guy that asked said anything. But I’m honestly guessing so. The group of dudes were prob talking about her.

What is rlly on my mind is that I just dont know wtf these guys were thinking. Were they thinking, “oh she’s out if his league” & that they can swoop in & just take her? It makes me feel extremely insecure because i keep thinking this girl is seen as super hot & I’m avg. but idk. I never thought that before this bar date.

Additional context: I’m 27, a clean shaven, thin (6ft 155-160 lb), rlly young looking guy. They looked more stocky & older looking. Not rlly super in shape just little stocky. Maybe they just saw me as less manly & not necessarily unattractive compared to her??

Has anyone had anything like this happen to them? It was super awkward. I never thought she was way out of my league until that night at the bar. It was the FIRST TIME we were at a bar together & it happened. So idk if i was just unlucky or itd be a common thing cause she’s way more attractive than me. It’s rlly tough to deal with for me with my deep insecurities.

She handled it great btw so I’m not worried about her. I can also dm pics of us together if that'd be alr if some of u dont mind. Itd be greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/Atlknight5566
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