How to accept if dating isn't for you? 22M - ATX News Paper

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Thursday, June 6, 2024

How to accept if dating isn't for you? 22M

I've struggled with dating my entire life as a result of being autistic and really ugly. I've never really had any girls interested in me or persue me. The ones I asked out always said no. I've never had a girlfriend or done anything with a woman. I feel so worthless and I've accepted that I'm not good enough for anyone no matter what I do. These last few years I put a lot of work into myself and still no one wants me. I lost a lot of weight, I grew my facial hair out thicker and fuller than ever before, got tattoos, got myself a college degree and started making decent money and have my own place and car and I'm fianancially stable amd self sufficient. I asked out women and have tried dating apps and I have 0 success. I barely get matches and the ones I do either don't respond to me or unmatch me a few messages in for being boring I guess. I guess I can't blame them for not wanting me, an ugly, worthless ass ginger with a deep monotone voice. I'll never be good enough for anyone and I'm no ones type. I've accepted at this point that not a single woman on this earth finds me attractive or ever will find me attractive and that I'm always going to be alone no matter how hard I try. I could make millions a year and still no one would want me for how ugly I am alone. How do I accept that dating isn't for me and come to terms with the fact I'll never be loved? I've already started by isolating myself as much as possible and don't go out unless I need to for work or errands. I stopped hanging out with people so I could start to get used to being alone. Any other advice is appreciated

submitted by /u/santoryuthrowaway
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